As of today's morning, the 25th International Passive House Conference in Wuppertal is on the way in a hybrid online / offline format. SoftGrid Shanghai is a long standing contributor to the Passive House conferences and has already participated in Darmstadt (Germany) and Gaobeidian (China) over recent years as well as in last year's online-only format.

Real-Life Performance Evaluation of Eco-City Passive House Apartments
[Tianjin, China]
Session 12 - Monitoring and Quality Assurance
Tuesday, 14.09.2021 - 15:00h CEST
SoftGrid presents the first ever monitoring data available for a passive house standard high-rise project in Asia. Data, analysis and resulting conclusions are based on a completed 12-month cycle test phase of three apartments within our Eco-City project in Tianjin, China.
While test apartments even performed slightly better than the predicted annual energy demand, it was the usage patterns and user behavior that held some surprises. Based on looking at energetic as well as intercultural aspects, we identify further optimization potential in terms in energy demand, comfort and safety considerations.
Interested? Registration for 25th Passive House Conference on https://passivehouseconference.org/en/